
2022.12.31 [ARTICLE] KSM Co., Ltd. delivers a scholarship of 30 million won to Gimpo City

The Gimpo Scholarship Foundation announced on the 21st that KSM (CEO Kim Yun-ho), a company in the jurisdiction, had donated 30 million won in scholarship on the 19th.

According to the Foundation, KSM Co., Ltd. has donated 410 million won in scholarships to the Gimpo Scholarship Foundation for 16 years from 2007 to the present.

Mayor Kim Byung-soo, honorary chairman of the Gimpo Scholarship Foundation, said, "I am grateful that the company has made efforts to donate even in difficult situations," adding, "Gimpo City will try to revitalize the scholarship project so that more students can develop their dreams using donations."

December 21, 2022 Reporter Sunhyeok Ahn of Dailyian (ahnsoon@dailian.co.kr)